Change the Story, Re-Author Your Life

In person and virtual therapy options located in Waltham, MA.

Transform Your Life Through Healing Past Trauma

The One-Hour Miracle

5,000+ Clients Served

1,000+ Healing Professionals Trained

Life Centered Therapy heals in either of two ways.

The First: Our problem lessens or goes away

Life Centered Therapy has been used very successfully in the treatment of the following:

Physical: Chronic Pain, Asthma, Allergies, Respiratory Illnesses, Crohn’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Idiopathic Diseases (those of unknown origin) and others

Emotional: Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Addictions, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Loss and Violence Traumas, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Sexual Dysfunction, and Major Mental Illnesses

Mental: Paranoia, Obsessions, Limiting and Negative Beliefs about the Self and the World

Relationship: Releasing destructive patterns and reducing reactivity/getting your buttons pushed

Spiritual: Alienation, Despair, Inertia

Universal Problems: Is this all there is? Unresolved loss, grief…

Living in a Crazy World: violence, abuse, bullying, the effects of war, the effects of prejudic

The Second: The anxiety about the problem lessens or goes away

The anxiety we associate with the problem dissolves so while we still may have the pain, we will not be suffering. What does it mean to be in pain but not be suffering? We learn that what is important is not the hand we are dealt but how we play it; we learn how to play it with courage and grace, to have a sense of equanimity.

Life Centered Therapy is best suited to treating you where you’re stuck, be it physical (like chronic pain, auto-immune), mental (like anxiety), emotional (like depression), relational (partners, children, parents, people you work with), and spiritual (like alienation). What makes our work unique is it’s remarkably efficient & effective.

Get the One-Hour Miracle Book

Life Centered Therapy


Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy

How the Therapy Works

A mind-body, psychospiritual, and energetic approach to help you resolve your problems at their core.

An Opportunity for Healing Professionals

Enhance your clinical abilities; discover an entirely new way to approach helping people get unstuck…in any area of their lives.

Here’s How to Get Started

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Watch Your Life Transform

Martha Stark, MD, faculty, Harvard Medical School; co-founder/co-director/faculty, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, William James College; author of nine books, including Relentless Hope: The Refusal to Grieve

“A dyed-in-the-wool psychoanalyst by training with decades of clinical experience under my belt, I had always been convinced that
transformation and growth required years and years—and not just several hours. But now I find myself thinking that perhaps I have been wrong!”

Kim D’Eramo, DO, bestselling author of The MindBody Toolkit

“As described in The One-Hour Miracle, LCT is very thoughtful work in how it addresses consciousness, from where problems stem, and not just surface issues. When we shift to the observer instead of the victim everything can heal.”

Llama Surya Das

“The Best Of Buddhist Psychology”

We take the following health insurance to reduce your cost of therapy so you can get the help you need, at the price you need:

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